How many people are going to be put out of work if Hillary gets elected and is able to push thru her mandates of REQUIRING employers to provide insurance for all employees? This will be another unconstitutional and unfunded mandate from the Government. How many more small businesses will the Dems try to destroy ?
I%26#039;m already having to review the numbers on a business I%26#039;m looking at buying that currently has 14 employees. If Ms. Clinton and others get their way it looks like (on paper at least) that 6 or 7 of these workers will have to be let go just to keep the margins at a rate that pays the workers, the bank and myself.
A question about HIllary Care?unsecured loan
Economics and business is something that democrats have never understood. The hand that feeds them remains the monster under their bed. It%26#039;s bizarre. It%26#039;s like their ranting against %26#039;corporate welfare%26#039;. No company in America has EVER paid any taxes. We, the consumer pay the taxes. It%26#039;s factored into the price of goods and services. Taxes go up, prices go up. Taxes come down, prices will go down...eventually. But a business, like the living being that it is, will make the profit that it needs to not only sustain itself, but to grow as well.
If these guys saddle the business with the mandatory costs of medical insurance, prices WILL go up. Again, we, the consumer, will pay the cost of insurance as a factor of the price. But not immediately. In the short term, there will be lay offs and reduced hiring. Look at France and Germany where the unemployment rate is in double digits because businesses don%26#039;t want to hire folks that they have to then take on as dependents.
You see, that%26#039;s another thing. The Rosy, fantasy affects of socialized medicine is not a hypothetical question. The real affects can be seen around the world and it%26#039;s not a pretty picture.
UPDATE: What am I afraid of? I%26#039;m afraid of the fact that I%26#039;m paying $1,400 a MONTH for medical insurance now and under Hillarys REAL plan, I%26#039;ll be paying even more so that about 1% of the population can have medical insurance that they don%26#039;t want to buy. I%26#039;m paying enough. I refuse to be FORCED to pay more. If you can garauntee me that I%26#039;ll pay less and get the same level of care, I%26#039;ll support it. But you can%26#039;t and I won%26#039;t. THAT is the fact.
A question about HIllary Care?
well gee I guess health care is free now|||Any self respecting business person provides health care. If you don%26#039;t you are just making short term gain for long term pain.|||Hire some readily ready illegals, that%26#039;s what they are here for.|||What is the economic benefit to having people sick?
Why is the US the only %26quot;first world%26quot; nation without universal healthcare?
What is everyone so afraid of? I know what the insurance companies are afraid of... What are YOU so afraid of?|||Small business will be crushed by her plan. How can the local donut shop afford healthcare for its minimum wage employees?|||You forget that Hillery is only for Hillery. If small businesses can%26#039;t afford mandated care it is an advantage to her and her friends. The more small businesses that close only means more corporate control of the population and that is exactly what she wants, more control means more money in her pocket.|||Everyone needs healthcare. It%26#039;s a necessity and not a luxury. I understand your predicament. I%26#039;m not a business owner but I am an MBA student and I do work. The sensible approach would be to see how you can grow your business to accommodate the costs. Your business needs to become more efficient and start thinking creatively. You have one solution here but there are many others. I%26#039;m sure of it. Do you have a better plan? We need to get rid of the waste and corruption in the government and health care. We have the money. It%26#039;s just not going where it should. It%26#039;s going to our politicians and their friends. $2 billion in a transportation bill going to a baseball field in Billings, MT and a peace garden in the midwest. I think not. Disgusting waste. But everyone needs healthcare because I%26#039;m tired of my taxpaying dollars going to pay for people that don%26#039;t have it because they cannot afford it or because employers refuse to do right by their employers. My employer pays for part of my health insurance costs. Right now, you can offer it but you don%26#039;t have to pay for it. (at least in Massachusetts) You can pass the costs to your employees.|||FOR ONCE ,why can you stinking monumentally hypocritical American Christians put your bloody %26quot;money where your mouth is %26quot; and DO THE CHRIST LIKE THING ..
Bad enough you are waging a filthy war of choice based upon a pack of vile lies in Iraq where over 400,000 innocent Iraqi civilians have been slaughtered,you have over 47 MILLION fellow Americans who have no health care coverage at all.
You are the richest nation in the world and you have almost 20 % of your population with no health care coverage.
This doesn%26#039;t stop you hypocrites from wearing my faith on your friggin sleeves declaring yourselves to be a CHRISTIAN NATION and obeying Christ%26#039;s dictate to %26#039;..LOOK AFTER THE LEAST AMONG YOU %26quot;.
Like with your vile war mongering and assorted other atrocities,,you USE AND ABUSE Christianity to serve your own GREED AND NATIONAL INTERESTS (READ PROFITS ) and wrap this bag of scum in God and Christ .
Aside from all the above, what Constitutional Jurist of note ever avered that the governments mandating of taxes etc is UNCONSTITUTIONAL which Health Care would be.
UNFUNDED ??? Are you mad??? All that will happen if you Christian hypocrites decide to look after %26quot; THE LEAST AMONG YOU %26quot; is that citizens will PAY TO THE GOVERNMENT WHAT THEY NOW PAY TO AN INSURANCE COMPANY .JUST CHANGE THE %26quot;PAYEE%26quot;.
All other CHRISTIAN WESTERN DEMOCRACIES are looking after the %26quot;LEAST AMONG THEMSELVES%26quot; with universal health care programs and NO SMALL BUSINESSES ARE/HAVE OR WILL be going bankrupt.
There is nothing more morally/ethically and intellectually repugnant then those who use SCARE MONGERING LIES to reach an ends.
This is EXACTLY what the evil lying BUSH did regarding Iraq and look at the bloody crime against humanity result those scare mongering tactics ended up resulting in.
This ASKER is your typical scare mongerer who never lets FACTS get in the way of his/her opinion.
The fact is that Americans pay some 15.5 % of their GNP for all health care which is some 50 % higher than Canadians pay and much higher than European countries ,all of which have universal health care.
You will notice that the scare mongers NEVER TALK ABOUT THE COST OF HEALTH CARE ON A GDP bases(the most acurate and meaningful measure of health care costs) simply because it would show all their spewings to be nothing but garbage.
In a universal one payer system THERE IS NO PROFIT TAKING .
Another FACT that these SCARE MONGERS never mention is that in the current US FOR PROFIT health care system,the cost of the %26quot;paperwork%26quot; is simply incredibly high compared to universal single payer systems .
Combine the money saved because there is no profit taking and add it to the billions that would be saved on %26quot;paperwork%26quot; of the system and you are on yourt way to understanding why universal health care systems are substantially less costly.
The bottom line then notwithstanding all the obfuscating garbage you read here and elsewhere from the scare mongerers is that Americans are being %26quot;HOSED%26quot; on health care and would probably pay some 50 % LESS UNDER UNIVERSAL ONE PAYER HEALTH CARE THAN THEY ARE NOW PAYING INSURANCE COMPANIES.
Then of course there is the seperate issue of drug costs which are roughly DOUBLE the cost in the US compared to Canada for example for EXACTLY THE SAME DRUG FROM THE SAME MANUFACTURER FROM THE SAME PLANT !!!
The reson for this is two fold.
First ,in a single payer system ,the government which negotiates all drug costs for all Canadians has enormous negotiating power with the drug companies.
Secondly,un-like the corrupt ( a standard quid pro quo deal between the Congress and the drug lobby ) US Congress which two years ago passed a Health Care bill that FORBIDS ANY GOVERNMENTS FROM SETTING DRUG, no such CORRUPT legislation exists in Canada. PRICES OR NEGOTIATING DRUG COSTS|||You wanna know were the real problem lies. Its not the Government. It%26#039;s YOU (you know who you are)
MR.Pilot 135,000 a year? do you really need that much? really. is your job not sitting in a chair, operating a few controls, talking on the radio, got an air conditioner blowing on ya right now dont ya.. Sounds just like driving to me( yes I can fly a plane) so dont get your panties in a WAD. Your killing your company with your absured request for MO MONEY, they in turn are screwing Me harder and harder so you wont whine and quit. I dont wanna fly, cuz I give you 135,000 a year and you get on the plane drunk and kill us all . That made your insurance go up not ME.
MR.GAS man, they say there is a tax on fuel and thats why the price is so high, are you telling Me that I pay a Fine everytime I use your Gas cause it pollutes the air.... Thats your fault. We can make electric cars RIGHT NOW--- BATTERY NEVER DIES, and WE alll know it.... Why dont you do that intead of screwing ME harder everyday. ANd PLEASE stop whining about how it would cost so much to implement this.. We aint stupid, it would not cost to MUCH. YOU DONT WANNA DO IT cuz I dont have to run to your stations and get gas right now.
and a BOUNOUS, are you insane. If you get one you probably already make six figures, and then yo get My whole years salary to boot. YOUR COMPANY IS MADE OF RETARDS, or do you believe the average man is the retard. MUST BE we keep on paying.
MR and MRS LAZY AZZ rich person...........
You%26#039;ll still be rich when you pay a decent wage to your Hired help, and hey they can afford to get legal then, so you wont get fined. How bout this try mowing your own lawn for a change that will save you a little money so you%26#039;ll still be filthy rich, and can look down in me....
MR Police Man A cop got shot yesterday it was on the News. DID you see that, but you wanna be a POLICE MAN, but then you want Me to give you more money for something you already knew. thats insane thinking.
Mr Mexican: dude look I got Kids to, quit being stupid if we sit at home for a few more days the grass will get a little higher and MR rich man will pay you more from now on, look he cant even Mow. His to Busy flirting with the nieghbors Wife to learn to MOW.
Once YOU stop asking for so much more than what your really worth, and your company dont have to fork out massive pay raises for you to do an easy job (yes i said easy) You can pretend HAVE A COKE AND A SMILE took you ten years to come up with, but thats just shows your stupidity.
thats it YOU know I am right NOW GROW A HAIRY SET, and Fix this situation and we can all afford to pay our own way. if not Maybe Hillarys right.
I understand the POWER will shift from OIL companys and AUTO to the NEw ENERGY source and AUTOS thats not MY fault EXXON made 10 million in profit for several years now
you dont have to wait BY 10 AM this Comming Friday you could have 10,000 New stations bulit that serve different power source AND YOU KNOW THIS MAN.
Quit taking Me on the ride I already want off.
to the MAN that whines cause he pays 1,400 month for insurance hahahahahahah I ahve never made 1400 a month that must be so freakin sweat, and I have an IQ of 158 recorded by the state of texas. I get 8,600 a YEAR DUDE. My name aint Biff or Buffy and if it was and I had to act like you people I would Kill My self. Quit being greedy, and life will fix it self When you stop asking for MO your Company will to.
and ya may wanna do something about the fact that an apartment makes you verifie 3 times the rental amount for you to be able to move in. then I can get a place to live where they dont sale Crack.
I am 45 y.o. I never went to High school, I do in fact have an IQ of 158, I refuse to play the game. Kill Me and scrap Me off your crappy Planet Cause I am not playin the Game.
NO here let Me really educate YOU
I am on housing Section 8 they paid ( well you the taxpers did)
961 USD a month for my apartment ( the roof still leaks) for a total of 5.5 years that comes to a grand total of 63,426 Dollars. Had they applied that to the purchase of a house. the Bleeding would have stopped there. Why cause I aint greedy, I do not believe a house should cost 200,000 + just to house Me and My three kids. I am disabled and The US government gives to Me 690.00 USD a month ( WELL YOU do) in SSRDI. Why Health Issues that i cant afford to pay for to fix. Why .%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; casue You want more. I want less. and at this point yes I am ready to go. I want health inssurance AND I cant even get any for any amount of money. That 1400 is what i am told I need to pay now and it will NEVER cover MY HEART. SO NOW WHAT SMART GUYS, should it be leagl for ME to go to the HOSPITAL and get put to sleep, inact that law and I will be first in line. where can I sign up now.
if you see anything miss type thats becasue I am pissed, You think you have problems. If someone dont grow a set and help some of us, then you may as well issue the shots to remove us NOW.
how many of you wanna give me a job now with inssurance. Hell just a job that pays, and if I die while on the Job from Heart attack number six dont whine and get scared that you might have to pay something for that to. I did not create this NIGHT MARE BUT GUESS WHO DID. You RICH people paid your government to do this. You can have them stop a tany point %26gt;%26gt; the BALL is in your court now.|||If you listened to the proposal, you would have learned that it will only be large companies %26amp; corporations that will be rquired to provide health care for all their employees; eg: Walmart, GM, large manufacturers etc. Small business with less than 100 employees will be given tax incentives if they wish to participate. The proposal is fair %26amp; sound. Please review it %26amp; familiarize yourself with it. Please don%26#039;t listen to those who know less than you.|||If you are so wealthy which I doubt , then you don%26#039;t need any Insurance coverage , just pay as you go. I often wonder if people on answers really think that we%26#039;re stupid when they brag about all this money they make plus their wives. salary.. I saw the other day a man talking about do you guys think I make enough to support my wife and I both working. I make $150,000 a yr. , my wife makes $ 125,000, I just wonder if our salaries or going to be enough to have a good life this year. They are telling a damn lie . You know why, you look on Parade Magazine that comes out in Sunday paper and it tells what each job is making. The way people brag here the President of Companies don%26#039;t come anywhere near their salary . That is a bunch of bull shi*. they do good to make $50,000 yr. and their wives make About $30,00 and they have this big salary and wondering if it is enough. HUH UH.
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