Thursday, July 16, 2009

Daughter using this address?

my wife opened a letter that she thought was hers and just found out that our daughter is using our home address, she no longer lives with us but we were giving her any letters that came for her, now it looks like she is trying to get credit cards and argos cards and has been refused because of bad credit rating she owes the bank, and catalogue money, we have never been in bad credit, we don%26#039;t owe any money to anyone, but now we are wondering if we ever needed to get a loan for anything will it go against us, we have been told that its your address that gets black listed, is there anything we can do to stop her using our address apart from us not giving her the letters that come for her, even if we do that our address could still be black listed

Daughter using this address?care credit

Just tell her not to use your address!

Daughter using this address? loan

They can%26#039;t blacklist the address - people move around too much for that to do any good. As long as she%26#039;s not using your social security number, you%26#039;re safe.|||You could write to the companies and inform them of her real address and ask them to stop sending letters to yours.|||I would go pay her a visit and stop it tout suite!! and write to all these firms telling them the truth before their bully boys bang on the door for money. and yes, they can and will black list your details if she is telling them you will be guarantor|||send them back|||yes it dose do bad rating by your address but you can find out from a company if you are black listed or not sorry don%26#039;t no name of company and as for her post go to your main post office and see if they will return her mail it may have a small fee|||yes it is the address that is blacklisted we had the same problem when we moved home! - it took is 12 months to sort it out - you have to send all the letters back stating she does not live there and give her follow on address . then b****ck her!!!!|||its the house that gets cant do anything about it now as the damage has been done...yes it will be held against you unless your daughter is paying the companies as per contract.

good luck.|||I am no expert, try writing to the card companies explaining that your daughter no longer lives with you, tell her that she no longer has permission to use your address, check with your own Bank, ask if they have any advice to help you avoid bad credit rating.

Good Luck.|||it`s true... it is the address that get`s blacklisted|||It%26#039;s not the address that gets blacklisted. It%26#039;s the person (determined by personal information such as your Social Security number). People move all the time and their credit rating follows them.

Start sending her mail back to the sender showing a %26quot;wrong address%26quot; notation or %26quot;moved%26quot; just so you don%26#039;t have to put up with the aggravation.|||If she is using your address and it is giving you a black mark against your address, you can get a credit report done on your address.

This will show any any defaults and the person who caused the defaults.

If you tried getting credit and you were refused, you can appeal the decision and show them the report that shows it wasn%26#039;t you that caused the defaults.|||Well, here is something else to consider if you truly believe your daughter is basically honest.

When I first moved out on my own (when you are young and it seems like you are moving very often), I used my parents address for a long time because every time I moved, even if I did a change of address, not all of my mail was forwarded to me, and it%26#039;s only good for 1 year.

Credit reports are not done by address...please don%26#039;t concern yourself with that. Otherwise, people would insist on checking the credit of the seller every time they bought a house....doesn%26#039;t make sense, does it?

There is no such thing as an address %26quot;black list%26quot; in regards to credit.

Before you assume she is doing something dishonest, go directly to all 3 credit bureaus and order a copy of your credit report...see if there are any new accounts, and more importantly, look over the inquiry page, and see if it is possible she is applying for credit in your name.

If you see nothing...then you know there is no wrongdoing. However, if you see alot of accounts you didn%26#039;t open, it%26#039;s time to have a very serious talk with your daughter.

I wish you luck...I can imagine how hard it must be to sit and wonder what is going on with your own child.|||I own a business, and extend credit through certain lenders for the purchase of high-end computer systems for the corporate environment. I have to know credit in order to approve customers.

Yes, a physical address can is used to base credit. But not where you%26#039;re concerned. Places like FingerHut, and similar companies, extend credit based on addresses. Also, geographical zip codes. They use direct mail as an approach to %26quot;harvest%26quot; new customers. Would you %26quot;harvest%26quot; from Beverly Hills or the Ghetto?

You can obtain a free credit report, under consumer law, every year from all three credit bureaus. Do it now! Make sure she%26#039;s not using your name(s) for credit approval. Desperate people do desperate things. Whether it%26#039;s your daughter or not. If you find %26quot;discrepancies%26quot; on your credit report(s) you will have to make some tough decisions. I am sure you know what I mean.

Now, stop receiving her mail. Send it all back to the post office. Tell your mail carrier that she no longer lives here, and you have no forwarding address at the present time; she%26#039;s having to use your address as the return address as well. After a while the credit agencies will remove your address as her primary residence, but will maintain it as a way of asking her to provide answers to security questions regarding past history. There is no way to remove this. Doesn%26#039;t mean a thing. I am sorry. Our kids can be our worst heartache at times.|||its not your address. Thats bullshit. come on people use your head for something other than growing hair. If its your address then your telling me that i can move into a house and have bad credit just because the person that lived there before did. Get real.|||Yeah, stop using your head for just growing hair.

How about using a hammer and knock a opening for common sense to enter.

That%26#039;s like receiving old calls on your new phone number.

I get no less than 10 prior previous residents mail at my home constantly and my son%26#039;s and most of them ain%26#039;t nice...........

My son%26#039;s use my address and my mother%26#039;s address (may she rest in peace) my eldest son lives there now and he gets them now and he throws some of them away!

The credit bureau%26#039;s only use your address to identify you, along with your social security and other answer that only you could know.

Hey she%26#039;s your daughter, blood, just pile them up in a corner and when she comes for Christmas dinner, have them wrapped like a present for her.

I don%26#039;t even bother giving back the letters that belong to the other 10 previous people right away. I put them in a bag by the opening in my garage and if I just happen to see the mail person, I hand them to him/;s legal, just as long as I don open them..................I use to work for the post office.

I use to tell on them, but it makes it hard when it%26#039;s no skin off of my nose. Just toss them in the corner.|||the address wont be black-listed just the person. but if you share the same name (or initial is sometimes enough) this can sometimes be mistaken for you.

you can get the credit reference people to put a note on your account %26quot;distancing%26quot; your self financially from your daughter.

your other option is to send them back marked %26quot;no longer at this address%26quot;. if your daughter complains tell her you are doing it to stop her committing fraud, because that is what getting money or goods under false information is legally.|||I see a lot of responses already, so I%26#039;ll keep mine simple. As others have suggested, just return the mail back to the postman as %26#039;Return To Sender%26#039;. Also, what ever companies you get those bills from, call them directly to let them know that your daughter is no longer at your address and request for the companies to cease mailing anymore statements to you. I don%26#039;t know about other companies, but I know for credit card companies they can place a hold on the account to prevent further statements from being mailed out to you. And don%26#039;t worry; Your daughter using your address would have no affect on your credit, but of course you can always check your credit report just for peace of mind.|||she%26#039;s usually in a bit of a state finance wise, most of us have been there, (me included- but Ive got out of it now) i know you probably didn%26#039;t want her to use your address but whats been done is done, you need to sit with her and try and help her get her finances in order, as long as shes paying something on each of the accounts everything should be okay and it wont be hold against you.

you could always get her to change the address to her own now, also try and get her to contact money advice line please don%26#039;t be too hard on her my guess is she regrets it, and she%26#039;s been struggling over the last few months.

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