Thursday, July 16, 2009

Please will you vote if you consider my answer to be a violation or not.Got dispute with Yahoo.Cheer

Question: isit a bank holiday on monday 23rd?

Question Details: Not in the Uk thats 100% has my husband is home Monday night got to book taxi %26amp; its normal rate.We do not have a bank holiday for ST George.Next one is the 7th then 28th then on the 27th of August its summer bank holiday.

Deleted Answer: Not in the Uk thats 100% has my husband is home Monday night got to book taxi %26amp; its normal rate.We do not have a bank holiday for ST George.Next one is the 7th then 28th then on the 27th of August its summer bank holiday.

Please will you vote if you consider my answer to be a violation or not.Got dispute with Yahoo.Cheers?credit card debt

Understand exactly what you are asking without being pedantic. Have questions to an answer? Are yahoo trolls? Who are Yahoo and what are Yahoo. No violation but Yahoo maybe a law unto their selves.

Please will you vote if you consider my answer to be a violation or not.Got dispute with Yahoo.Cheers? loan

It may have got a violation for being almost unintelligible|||No violation. They are idiots.|||I can%26#039;t see that this is a Violation, yahoo are so silly sometimes!|||Thats ridiculous. Theres nothing offensive there aside from a few spelling mistakes and hell everybody makes them.|||it is a perfectly reasonable answer.|||Not a violation but the details are confusing.|||I don%26#039;t understand how that could be considered a violation! Seems like a terribly inoffensive and informative answer.

Good luck!|||NO!! Crazy|||In my opinion No its not a violation , but we see this all the time and i give up trying to second guess Y/A.|||Why on earth is this a violation? You got my vote mate xx|||Your deleted answer makes no sense to me, but it isn%26#039;t a violation of Yahoo guidelines. Just email them back and let them know. They will investigate and if they agree with you they will return your points.|||If you just copied the questioners details as is my understanding of it, as you may have been implying that they have already answered their own question, then that is a bit cheeky yes but does not deserve a violation.|||Have had a few deleted myself.

Your Q is a good one.

Check out my Q%26#039;s in my profile and see that they are deleting them for no reason or someone is reporting you all the time for abuse.

Yahoo! get your asses into gear and employ people instead of machines to do your donkey work.|||Seems to be a bit repetitive! I don%26#039;t quite understand but none of it is a violation....|||nothing wrong with the content, but it was rambling and a little difficult to understand. Sure not worth the violation.|||huh?|||why is it that you have the same thing for the answer as for the question details?|||No thats not worth a violation, i just had a violation because i said that someone was an A@@ Hole. And that is exactly as i wrote it , i didnt think i was that nasty, lol xxx

Hope you win Yahoo is getting beyond a joke.|||Your answer is the same as the question. So, really the Questioner answered their own question in the details and you just agreed?|||Not a Violation|||I%26#039;m not sure how you want us to %26#039;vote%26#039; but your answer looks ok to me.

I too am in dispute with Yahoo.

I answered a question from someone asking why (in her opinion) no-one respected her.

My answer was: You have to earn respect, in my experience people treat you as you treat them.

Is that against the community guidelines? I don%26#039;t think so!|||Question details and deleted answer are the same!

OK So what was the offence? I bet it%26#039;s because you wrote Uk instead of UK or ST instead St...........

Mmmmmmmmm bit puzzled as to why!

Can%26#039;t see any offence that this would cause!|||It%26#039;s a bit confusing but I don%26#039;t see where the violation is. But then I%26#039;m not YA. They make the final decision.|||I wouldnt hav thought so! although you may like to %26quot;proof read%26quot; it to yourself, you could do with checking when you need a comma or have a typo error!!|||you have probally got a troll on your case mate..thing is if they report you it gets deleted straight away . dosn%26#039;t matter what you say.

i got two violations for saying %26#039;yes%26#039; %26amp; %26#039;no%26#039;. work that one out!

i no ime a sarcey t**t at times and i fully expect to wake up to at least 4 violations. but when you dont deserve them it do%26#039;s p**s you off!.

anyway thats enough of the serious talk out of the way.....are you wearing underwear??|||Not to me but I get them all the time and don%26#039;t understand it either...good luck!|||Have you tried to contact them regarding this violation.

I got the most ridiculous violation yesterday and they tell you to email their Customer Care if you think it shouldnt be a violation, and here I am over 24 hours later, still waiting for a reply.|||It%26#039;s automated unless you reply. Someone doesn%26#039;t like you, they give you a violation - you reply with the reasons why it%26#039;s not and then they remove it.|||they are sooooo dumb there is NOTHING wrog with that question!!!!|||Its not a great answer as its badly written, but its certainly not enough to get a violation though!

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