Tuesday, July 14, 2009

When will the depression begin and how long will it last?

My guess is March 2009. The stupid Feds delayed it (and made it far worse) with the insane actions of bailing out homeowners who got what they deserved, and banks. Not to mention the rate cuts are going to result in unheard of inflation by the end of 2008 into 2009. My guess is, the depression will start in March 2009 (6.8% unemployment rate then) and continue until February 2012. Worst unemployment rate Im guessing in May 2011 with 17.5 to 18.0 percent.

When will the depression begin and how long will it last?construction loans

I am so freaking scared that this will be the great depression part 2... please dont mention this on here!!!Lol

When will the depression begin and how long will it last? loan

thank god I also have Euro citizenship in case I need to get the heck out of here!|||I hope your wrong!|||I don`t like hearing the term %26quot;demand destruction%26quot; being thrown around.|||the housing market is already showing signs of improvement...

i think we%26#039;ll be out of this recession by 2009 and things will be looking up.|||LOL Robert C thinks he could get away from a depression here. If we have one, Europe will follow. First of all, many don%26#039;t think we are even in a recession, so I wouldn%26#039;t say we are about to go into a depression. It was much worse right after 9-11 than it is now.|||None of that matters because we will all be burnt to a crisp by global warming and will not be able to breathe due to deforestation....Is that 18% on top of the already 30% who don%26#039;t work and rely on the rest of us to support them? The sky is falling!!! The sky is falling!!! Dumb ar$$ liberals


Sitting back with a cup of tea on Hilton Head Island.|||I LIVED THRU THE GREAT DEPRSSION AND IT WAS FROM ABOUT 1929 TO THE BEGINNING OF WWII. MY ADVICE - GET OUT OF DEBT NOW - PROR TO 1929 PEOPLE IN USA WENT INTO A LOT OF DEBTS - THEN OUR GOVERNMENT FORMED THE CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS TO EMPLOY YOUNG MEN-THESE YOUNG MEN SENT MOST OF THEIR WAGES HOME TO FEED THE MEMBERS OF THEIR FAMILIES - BANKS FAILED IN VOLUME - OUR YOUNG MEN WERE DRAFTED INTO THE SERVICES -MILITARY -I GIVE FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT THE CREDIT FOR HANDLING THE ECONOMICS OF USA.WITH HIS NEW DEAL - WELFARE TRUCKS WOULD BRING FOOD TO THE COMMUNITIES. IF U HAD A HOUSE PAID FOR- U WERE LUCKY - I PRAY THAT OUR CITIZENS IN THE USA WAKE UP AND SEE THE HAND WRITING ON THE WALL -I FEEL SORRY FOR THOSE FOLKS THAT HAVE NOT PREPARED FOR A RECESSION-DEPRESSION.GOOD LUCK - SAVE URE MONEY. U JUST MIGHT NEED IT.|||I tkink you hit it square on the head and I%26#039;m in total agreement with you and your figures. Don%26#039;t forget the war. When your troops come home , they will have less jobs to go to...less houseing to find and in general less money to buy less of everything.Read articals on the Great Depression to get a feel of whats in store for us. To give an ex: forget about haveing a cellphone and a computor...you will need food 1st. now you cancel your phone and internet...people start loseing jobs. This is the domino effect...I hope we are both wrong with are thinking...but I don%26#039;t.|||i think that many people feel that there will be a depression. many americans really fell the inflation already. when u go to the super market notice the cereal boxe there the same price for smaller boxes. we have felt the scares resources.

i think that by printing new money the gov. is just making it worse. the value of the dollar is at a all time low. the gov is telling the press to there is a smalll chance of depression. but i feel that there is a bigger chance than any one thinks. i think we are gunna hit it, i hope we wont but it doesnt seem likely. it might hit sooner than we think. it might go on for a year.|||We are already there. We%26#039;ve been there now for almost a year. I think it will last about 5 years. Thank Bush and his people.

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