If you invest P dollars in a bank account at an annual interest rate of r%, then after t years you will have B dollars, where:
B = P * (1+(r/100))^t
a. How do I find dB/dt, by assuming that P and r are constant and
does dB/dt represent?
a. How do I find dB/dr, by assuming that P and r are constant and
does dB/dr represent?
Please help me to answer this...
Help me with this differentation problem...?rate my professor
log B=logP+tlog(1+r/100)
Help me with this differentation problem...?
Not sure, but have you used d to represent delta, a bit of? If that is the case, then the two items represent a portion of the future value in terms of the time period and the interest rate.|||a)
B= P*t * (1+r/100)^(t-1) dB/dt
I think this equation represents the compound annual interest. which means after the first period (year for example), you add the profit to the capital then calculate again. so the new capital %26quot;P%26quot; will equal the %26quot;B%26quot;. and so on for the next periods (years).
dB/dr will not change the equation because r is a constant!
dB/dr will still represent %26quot;B%26quot;
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