Saturday, July 11, 2009

Does America really have a Capitalist economy?

If so, how is it possible that we have a central bank (the Federal Reserve) that dictates interest rates, the rate at which money is printed etc.? Doesn%26#039;t the very concept of a central bank go against the concept of a capitalist economy?


Does America really have a Capitalist economy?loan

The Federal Reserve is a private, for-profit (capitalist) institution. Many of the so-called socialist aspects (government spending) of our society are really just capitalism at work. Capitalism requires the raping of society for the benefit of a wealthy elite. Any benefit to the working class is unintended, comes only after many years of fighting against the capitalists and those benefits are constantly under attack from the capitalists.

As the Robber Barrons from an earlier epoch knew, one can become very rich by socializing expenses and privatizing profits. War and the %26quot;military industrial complex%26quot; is only one such example. While the public foots the bill, war contractors and their investors reap the profits.

%26quot;What we have in this country is socialism for the rich and free enterprise for the poor.%26quot; -- Gore Vidal

Does America really have a Capitalist economy?


If you want to put capitalism and communism on extreme poles, US is actually half-way in between even though it leans towards capitalism.|||The Federal Reseve is there for a reason, also the New Deal guidelines of the economy and new laws in the guilded age have setup to protect the consumer. Without those, we whould get a screwed up job and the tycoons will still run this country with no restrictions.|||Yes, a central bank does go against the concept of a pure capitalist economy. No country in the world has a completely capitalist economy. Absolute capitalism brings about immense suffering.Unfortunately, the GOP is determined to push the US as far as it can towards pure capitalism. The results are clear: extreme inequality, the elimination of the middle class and the grossly excessive enrichment of very few.|||I think we have a blend not pure capitalism, the government steps in when it feels like it as in Bell telephone, and bailing out various companies

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