Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I need help!!!?

OK! So I played online poker on a certain site and lost some money. So I stopped depositing anymore. A few days later, I noticed that money had been taken out of my account from that site. A few days later it happened again. So I went to my bank and cancelled my credit card and they retrieved the money that had not been authorized. Now that site is contacting me by phone and email demanding me to pay them back the money or they will report me on the negative database for the gaming industry and collection agency which will hurt my credit rating along with my bank. This site is well known. What do I do???

I need help!!!?title loans

I hoped you learned your lesson.

On-line casinos cannot be trusted.

I need help!!!?


contact them by phone, explain what happened, and then DEMAND some of your money be refunded. And tell them you have copies of your bank statements as well as all the print outs from what you gambled no their website (even if you don%26#039;t ) and you would be more than willing to submit them as court documents. They will tighten their holes so fast and maybe even send you flowers.|||Find out what they are taking the money for.

If its for a debt you incurred you have to pay, if its for a service you signed up for with a min contract you have to pay, if they cannot justify their reasoning to not pay just don%26#039;t pay, it wont affect your credit rating much either way.

Even better, if you know a lawyer...get them to write up a letter claiming mental anguish, theft, abuse, and fraud against them and send it to them squirm boy!|||They are taking the money you deposited onto their site most likely.

It isn%26#039;t instant. It takes a few days to hit your bank account.

Don%26#039;t you monitor your checking account and keep it balanced?

In the future play poker here- - for more worries.

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