Sunday, August 9, 2009

One more math prob help pls...?

Find the indicated probability or percentage for the normally distributed variable.

A bank%26#039;s loan officer rates applicants for credit. The ratings are normally distributed with a mean of 200 and a standard deviation of 50. If an applicant is randomly selected, find the probability of a rating that is between 200 and 275.

One more math prob help pls...?yes loans


The mean is 200 with a deviation of 50 either way. That means that the chances are 50 percent that the rating will be higher than 200 and 50 percen the rating will be lower than 200 because 200 is the mean.

One more math prob help pls...?


Just stanarize using the mean and de variance and look for the answer in the proper tables

I am going to start a new business. Anyone know any sites and/or banks who have good merchant accoun

I am actually opening a call center and will be processing credit cards. Which bank has the best accounts for this?

I am going to start a new business. Anyone know any sites and/or banks who have good merchant account rates? loans

they all charge basically the same fees - open a business checking and merchant acct with the same bank you do your personal checking with

I am going to start a new business. Anyone know any sites and/or banks who have good merchant account rates?.. loan

You can also check this video tutorial for Site Build It!

Good Luck!|||Most of my friends who own online businesses speak very highly of a company called Charge - see link below. They are a third party processor and appear to be very good from what I have heard. I have also done some research on them as well.

Hope this helps.

Regards|||Here is a payment method (free) to use in addition to your merchant account. Your customers can get your product or service free, yet you still get paid full price (advertisers). No fees and you can get $1,000 per referral.

A comparative study of loan against property of different banks?

loan against property policy of different private banks of india. their interest rate their criteria of giving loan ,max loan amount that they give age of person taking loan etc

A comparative study of loan against property of different banks?interest only loan

economic times newspaper might help u out for this

Please dont laugh at this question !!!! But do banks have a code of ethics/practice to adhere to?

My query is that i researched the best isa and went into my branch to withdraw money to put it into another bank that was offereing a better isa rate.

The clerkess went to speak to someone and i was asked to go into another room where the person advised me to make an appointment to look at their products. she said that the one that i had looked at must have some penalty and that theirs was just as good (however i had looked at theirs and it was not). However i am a bit ignorant about these things and made appointment and did not open account in other bank.

My query is - can my bank advise me to open an account with them even if they know theirs is not the best? are they bound by any code of practice not to do this that is not in the interest of the customer?

Please dont laugh at this question !!!! But do banks have a code of ethics/practice to adhere to?boat loans

their is a banking code ( but this wouldn%26#039;t cover trying to sell you a product as they are a commercial business, they couldn%26#039;t directly lie to you about what they offer but saying theirs is the best is just salesmenship and is a subjective point anyway. At the end of the day all businesses say they put the customer first, but their main priority will always be to shareholder profit.

Please dont laugh at this question !!!! But do banks have a code of ethics/practice to adhere to? loan

there sure is. u can pick up a broshure guide from ur local branch|||Of course they aint!! they are in effect SALESpeople!! so they will tell you their stuff is better. make ya own choices. u did the research u put ya money where ya like after all it is yours!!|||Of course your bank wants your business so they will tell you there account is better so that they earn from you not another bank!! All banks have codes of practice to adhere to laid down the FSA bu that does not mean that they cannot try to sell you a new product|||Businesses exist to make money not to %26quot;look out for the best interest of the customer%26quot;. It is good business practice to try to keep you as a customer through good customer service as well as persuasive tactics like the delay you were advised to make. Personally, if I was sure I was right about being in a better situation at the other instutution I would have demanded my money.|||A bank can do anything (legal)to try and retain a customer....often if you explain the details of another bank%26#039;s offer, the Branch manager or investment manager may offer to meet and beat the deal.....As far as codes and ethics....almost all banking regulations have been allowed to lapse since Bush took office....which is why there are credit card offers with rates that would make a loan shark look like a good deal! It may not do any harm to meet with your bank rep before you change banks to see if you can negotiate a better deal before you leave....but you may not be that vested in that particular bank relationship and feel it is worth giving up without the hassle. You can decline to meet with anyone when asked.....

hope this helps.|||you can put your money in more than one bank to get the best rate they can not force you to keep an account with them, you can close out an account as long as all is paid and their are no bills pending like automatic payments or you will have problems. talk to your personal banker and he or she will walk you through your account and you have to notify all the companies that get automated payments out of your account and when you have a new account. this protects you and keeps your credit in good standing with your bills.|||Most banks will have a written ethical standards statement that they communicate to their employees and the public, but it is a guideline with little concrete direction. Any employee of the bank who tells you another bank%26#039;s offer is superior is showing disloyalty to their employer and should be fired. Reserving such an opinion is completely proper for the employee. If this bank%26#039;s employee states %26quot;theirs is just as good%26quot;, ask for a comparison point by point to back up that claim. Sometimes there are additional features to a product that are hard to compare, but which would make the employee state equality. Cut them some slack--they are just trying to keep you as a customer!|||Remember, a bank is a business with a goal of making money. When giving financial advice, a bank does not have a fiduciary responsibility to you, the consumer. Take their advice with a grain of salt.

A certified financial planner is your better bet as they do have a fiduciary responsibility to you as well as following a strict code of ethics.|||They can advise you , but obviously only on their own products and they should not be rubbishing any other banks product

If you are satisfied that your research has found a better home for your money , then just tell them that this is what you want to do .

The only time you will get independent advice is when you consult an in dependant financial adviser , but this information is NOT free .

If the staff at the branch are being difficult then perhaps you should consider if your really want to bank with them

I would listen to what they have to say in terms of comparison of products , but don%26#039;t let them talk you out of something you are convinced is right for you.|||All banks will try to keep your money in their bank. That is why when looking at the product you have to research the banks in your area for the best deal for you. They follow a code of ethics but that does not mean they will send you else where if they carry the same product. Sometimes, you will find a Representative that will tell you to go to the competitor but they are far and few between. Alot of Representatives make a commission on sales /accounts opened so sending you somewhere else takes money from their pockets. That is not unethical. That is why your research is so important. They will not be looking for your best interest unless it involves their products.|||Yes banks have to follow rules by the FSA (Financial Services Authority). I know how banks work because i used to be one of the counter staff. They have targets to meet, the same as any business so if someone comes in and asks to move their money to another bank then they have to try to do all they can to stop you leaving. Whilst this is annoying i totally sympathise with the clerkess as i hated working in a bank. it%26#039;s all targets and no customer service anymore. while i was there i would read through the details of the account that the customer wantd to open and try to help them out as best i could, given what information was in front of me. i wouldn%26#039;t advise them, i wasn%26#039;t allowed, you have to give them the info then let them make their mind up. I was friends with alot of customers and if our account wasn%26#039;t as good, i%26#039;d tell them.|||Banking is the activities of using money and supplying banking services for profit.

If you are a customer of a bank, that bank will try its best to offer you the best interest rates, products and efficient service for you to continue to be its customers. In banking this is called %26#039;good bank and customers relationship.%26#039;

Banking is a very competitive business and banks are not bound by any code of practises to do their business.

However, the amount of interest they give to customers are the same, but their banking charges they charge their customers are different and the products they offer their customers comes in different forms.

The real benefits which banks can offer their customers is how quick and efficient services it can provide, and the various types of loans it can offer to their customers for their business or personal needs.|||It%26#039;s really down to you to decide with the information to hand what%26#039;s best for you. Any business will try and persuade you that its product is best- there is nothing unethical in that. It is common sense that advise from a bank is not unbiased.

You should never withdraw cash from an ISA to transfer it to another one- you should always open the new ISA

If you haven%26#039;t yet toped up your old ISA since 5th April, you can still open a new one.|||Not laughing. What they do is to say nothing. Try telling them about a better rate that you havfound and you will greeted with a blank stare. So they are not lying. I think I remember my grandmother telling me about sins of omission and commission.

How do Money Changers work?

How do they make profit with the money buy from us? Do they sell it to the banks when the exchange rate of the specific currency is higher? Or they will reinvest the money?

When i sell foreign currency, which section should i look at in the exchange rates?

i want to understand the term %26quot;Bank buys%26quot; and %26quot;Bank sells%26quot; in the exchange rates.

When i sell foreign currency, which section should i look at in the exchange rates?bridge loan

It means the bank buys from you and bank sells to you.

So if you have US Dollars and are in Canada and want to exchange them for Canadian Dollars, the bank will buy your US Dollars from you at the Bank buys rate, etc.

Help people!!!!!?

What did yall think of Rotten Apple by Lloyd Banks..what do you rate it?

Help people!!!!!?no fax loan



Help people!!!!!?


on a scale of 1-10...

i give it a 3.5

Are The People of The United States ready to take their country back???

Corporations, Special Interests, Clandestine Government Agencies, The (PRIVATELY OWNED) Federal Reserve Bank that dictates interest rates for their OWN PROFIT, run this country. But this country is supposed to be For the People and run By the People. Are We The People ready to take back what is ours??? Control of our own lives...Well, Are We Ready? Whats it going to take???

Are The People of The United States ready to take their country back???sba loans

I agree with you! Too many lobbyists and special interest groups trying to run the country on their terms. It%26#039;s going to be a slow change if any. If there is some way to prevent these groups from twisting the arms of politicians and prevent politicians from giving in...well then things would be a whole lot better. How can we change it though..? If most politicians are already infected with the process of how things work in DC?... I%26#039;m with you....

Are The People of The United States ready to take their country back??? loan

There is nothing to take back, it never left.|||IM IN!!!! I am tired of all he corruption, lies, war, deciet and huge profits for big companies while the little person get screwed!

I feel a Civil War brewing, the people against the government|||The right side is too loud, the left just stands by, both sides of politics are corrupted and unfortunately nothing will be done about it.|||Yes, I believe we are. I strongly believe that there will be a lot of disappointed incumbent politicians following their next re-election bids.|||Actually....I%26#039;m ready to throw in the towel and move abroad. It%26#039;s a hopeless battle. I%26#039;ve been trying for 20 years, but most Americans seem content to let the corrupt system continue. The events that transpired after 9-11 have taught me that America simply refuses to hold it%26#039;s political leaders accountable for the lies they tell.|||It would take a revolution, but Americans are too willing to just accept the corruption.|||its still the greatest place to live on the planet..

nothing wrong with our system ..

i do disagree with all these ridicules social programs,

pandering to the lazy.. and going after the successful who risk their own resources|||It takes revolution, not going to the polls and saying %26quot;Yeah, just give me 2,4, or 6 more years of the same.%26quot;|||I didn%26#039;t know we had lost our country in the first place.

Are you ready to take back your sanity? Find a shrink who specializes in paranoid people who think everything is a conspiracy.|||i all ready started %26quot;free the states from imperial federal gov%26quot;

its going to take a small war like when Russia fell apart

nows its our turn to stabilize the middle east and of course its weakening us making it ripe for us to separate from the feds|||Yes.|||Getting rid of the Federal Reserve Banking system would be the best thing that could happen to this country. Politicians that serve 1 term in office get retirement for the rest of their life at our expense and the abuse goes on and on. The Democrats and Republicans are both equally Guilty of allowing these abuses to continue. I don%26#039;t know of 1 person in congress or the senate that%26#039;s not a Millionaire or won%26#039;t be when they get out of office, do you?|||It is going to take a 2nd American Revolution.

And that day is coming. The price will be heavy but I feel that if we remind the military that their oath of office goes.....

I, name, solemnly swear to uphold the Constitution........

stop everything after that is just BS. Upholding the Constitution does NOT mean upholding the government.

How much does a recruitment consultant charge in the UK?

How much does a recruitment consultant/agency charge when he/she places a permanent role - specifically IT staff in banking. Whats the going rate?

How much does a recruitment consultant charge in the UK?finance

Normally around 15-17% of the person%26#039;s salary - if it%26#039;s London or a more senior role it could be 20% or even more.

How much does a recruitment consultant charge in the UK? loan

It totally depends. I know one website that doesn%26#039;t charge at all:|||we charge 17% of the salary. its a set fee and does not affect the salary of the candidate. we are given the job specs with salary already on. therefore our rates have already been negotiated. however the exact percentage negotiated with employers differs from agency to agency. don%26#039;t worry though it won%26#039;t affect what you get!|||Depends if you looking for a future employer pays. If you are an employer then it varies with industries and the level of senority

Where do you think mortgage rates will be in 18 months?

I%26#039;ll be buying another home in 18 months and I am curious what all you finance gurus think will happen to the market.

Do you think banks will be raising rates to recover their losses due to the sub-prime problems.

Where do you think mortgage rates will be in 18 months?military loans

So many factors.... First the Feds;

They probably won%26#039;t raise rates (they have toned down the inflation talk) but they are going to try not to lower rates either because they are more interested in shoring up the value of US assets held overseas to discourage a possible currency dump in Asia.

Second, the banks;

Could go either way. They may push rates down to encourage more mortgage activity and to try to return credit to an even keel but they may also raise rates because credit requirements are tightening and the market for loan products has shrunk.

My best guess... 30 year rates will not go higher than 7.25% average and not lower than 6% average.

Lastly, homes should be a long term investment not a quick flip... that is what messed up the market (and easy credit) now. Whatever you get in 18 months it will be balanced by the price of housing. The housing and mortgage markets will normalize in the next 12-20 months.

Where do you think mortgage rates will be in 18 months?


yes|||Banks don%26#039;t raise rates on one product to make up for the failure of another.

Depending on the type of loan you are planning on getting will determine your answer.

The average rate on a 30 year fixed conforming mortgage is about 6.38%... these rates are expected to stay stable or go down in the next 18 months due to the relatively low risk and good performance of the product.

if you are looking for anything like an ARM or Interest Only or you have shaky credit, unprovable income or other 1 off circumstances, rates will rise considerably due to the fact that all of these products have not been performing very well and banks have to entice investors with higher rates of return in order for people to fund them.

Any reason why you can%26#039;t buy a house now?|||Read this report:

When is loyalty a good thing?

Would you like it if somone stayed with you out of inerta? Do old bank acc pay best rates?

Can anyone think of one instance where loyalty is a good thing? It looks to me like an excuse for laziness and blind stupidity.

When is loyalty a good thing?horses for loan

Loyalty is a universal ethical and moral value. It is regarded among the finest of all human qualities; to be loyal is to be characteristically good and moral human being. Loyalties are universally valued and rewarded; whereas disloyalty condemned and punished most rigorously; work organisations, banks, institutions, communities, states and people all demand loyalty; the most fundamental of all human relations depend upon people staying loyal to one another.

However, a loyalty can easily turn into subservience before it breaking down altogether. When people get caught up in false sense of belonging they might never realise that they need to get themselves out. In the name of loyalty people can be controlled, manipulated and exploited. This also happens in the name of many other good things in life including charity, patriotism, goodness, faith and truth etc. We can see most obvious that a sense of loyalty may not be loyalty if it has no proper purpose attached; we can learn over time to stay attached to something just because so much of water has flown under the bridge, or things have always been like this. We seldom question things that we believe are generally good in life, after all it is good to stay loyal instead of having nothing at all.

In my personal views, however, the first loyalty of a person belongs to himself, or herself. This is the way we came into being, as individual selves, the need to learn to get together and stay together when we like. This is how we live and learn to be good; whatsoever the way we choose for ourselves, we stay the same. And this is where we recognise some purpose to our life; this is where we work out ways to realise our dreams and ambitions.

People who find religion for example find their purpose being realised through their beliefs in practice; they stay loyal to the core to their faith and in fact they assert their loyalty to them self in a very fine way. Similarly other people might find various other ways to be themselves, to be loyal to their life and the purpose or a cause they recognise. If one cannot be good and loyal in person then sense of loyalty cannot be fully realised.

When is loyalty a good thing?


Could be - all forms and senses of goodness can be exploited, like love, sympathy, honesty, faith, trust; this is just what evil can d; it uses resources of goodness in human heart. All good things in the mind therefore should be properly realised and established. Report It

|||when ur a dog|||As long as a leader or mate doesn%26#039;t do anything to abrogate their responsibility, I should remain loyal to whatever agreement I made; marriage partner, retainer to liege lord, etc. Should I do this because it gains me something materially? No. I should do this for my own sense of self worth, so that I know MY word is worth something. MY WORD. I cannot expect loyalty unless I give it. And if you ask me if I want to live in a world without any loyalty, I say no.

However, if banks, dish soaps or other commodities or services try to play on my loyalties, I laugh. Because no bank has ever given me loyalty as their customer and how can a dishsoap possibly give loyalty. Loyalty is between people.|||its a matter of character and shows good standing. however, it can be counter-productive if the sense of loyalty will hurt you in the long run.|||there are all kinds of loyalty.

Loyalty between partners in a romantic relationship

Loyalty between business partners.

Loyalty between friends.

Loyalty to a brand.

Loyalty to a band!

Loyalty won%26#039;t last long after the romance has died - so inertia is unlikely to be a problem

Loyalty in business partnerships is crucial if you want to succeed - although later it may be more profitable to be disloyal

Loyalty between friends is what makes them friends

Loyalty to a brand may be a preference

Loyalty to a band kinda chooses you rather than you choosing them

Being loyal doesn%26#039;t mean stupid blind following, it%26#039;s not necessarily the most powerful emotion in a relationship, it%26#039;s not necessarily apathetic, it can be an active choice - but not without proviso%26#039;s and conditions

the oldest bank accounts may not always pay the best rates, but maybe they won%26#039;t go out of business or deny you access to your money

When is loyalty a bad thing?|||Loyalty can never be wrong but it can be misjudged. Blind loyalty and %26#039;loyal to a fault%26#039; are not complimentary at all.|||Loyalty is a good thing when the person or the cause you are loyal to are good enough to believe in until the end.

You%26#039;d be surprised how a good cause attracts many people, some of which are ready to sacrifice everything to see their ideals succeeded.|||Not always. Ive had a very difficult case with loyalty recently. Two of my very close friends have recently had a crush on the same guy however one of them becomes a little obsessive with any guy she likes aqnd started telling me stuff about this other girl and Mr. X on the understanding I didn%26#039;t tell anyone. What you have to understand however, is that the other lady in question is also a close friend of mine and I have been good friends with her since I was four. Although she liked Mr. X she was already in a stable relationship with her current boyfriend and has told me many times openly that she would never do anything to ruin that. So what was i supposed to do. Either way I would end up breaking my loyalty to one of them. If I told Miss W (friend since I was 4) what was being said I would have betrayed Miss Y%26#039;s (other friend) trust. However if things started snoballing with the rumours being spread there would be every chance that Miss W would loose her boyfriend. So it was a tough descision. However, I chose to be loyal to Miss W and told her and showed her exactly what had been said and in the meantime explained to Miss Y what I had done and exactly why I had done it. I understand that I could have lost Miss Y%26#039;s trust and I betrayed her loyalty however I was quite willing to be there for her when she needed me and she willingly accepted thus showing that I kept both loyalties, not out of laziness or blind stupidity, but from being the honest and neutral party.|||when you are loyal to what is right and do not change even though others around you are changeable and make up new ethics every other week then it is good.|||loyalty is only a good thing ,were nobody gets hurt.

Help with interest rates...plz!?

What factors does the Bank of England consider when setting general rate of interest?


Help with interest rates...plz!?exchange rate

The base rate calculations take into account the econmic indicators of the country. Industrial output, import/exports, consumer spending and house prices are just some of the factors that are used.

In addition to this, the gorvernment have set an inflation figure (of 2% I think) that the BoE has to try to stay near. If the economic indicators are close to 2% inflation then base rate interest remains the same. If inflation varies from 2%, the base rate is adjusted to try and correct the inflation rate.

How much money foreign currency amount can bring to sri lanaka??

i am a srialnkan working in a foreign country and i am going back after 9 months for a i have my salary here.and i want

to bring the money by cash.i can send it through bank too.But the rates are too low and i have to pay tranfer fee little high. so please somebody give the correct information or any similar site to check this information....


How much money foreign currency amount can bring to sri lanaka??credit report

Wouldn%26#039;t it make more sense to make a draft in your own name and encash it there? Or take traveller%26#039;s cheques?

You can contact Sri lankan immigration or tourism board:

I had a hunting game for pc but what is the title of it?

On it you choose a gun and dogs and stuff and the characters are cartoony and the game over screen is like a broken piggy bank and it%26#039;s rated T for animated blood and violence... It%26#039;s not like a new PC game tough... i

I had a hunting game for pc but what is the title of it?credit score

Well there were a lot of hunting games and I tried looking on but they dont let you narrow it down by system and rating, which would help. What did you hunt, was it just deer or was there a variety of animals to hunt.

I'm looking to get a loan to buy a land investment but i'm looking for a good place to get

I have a Credit Union Bank, but their intrest rates are aprx. 11% and that seems a little high... I%26#039;m trying to figure out how to go about investing into some real estate, but have no investors nor do i have the money to put down on the spot.

Does anyone know of a place or anyone that would be willing to SERIOUSLY invest??? Or maybe how to go about all this... Cause i%26#039;m at a complete loss...

I%26#039;m looking to get a loan to buy a land investment but i%26#039;m looking for a good place to get one, or some.....signature loan

Financing questions are a little hard without knowing your debt to income ratios and credit scores and work history,ect,ect,ect.

That being said heres some tips.

First of all 11% is a high risk number ,

Second: investment property espacially raw land is a difficult loan if you do not have credit or a large amount of capital to lower your loan to value or LTV.

look for residential properties to start your business adventure. if you have good credit you can get a 100% loan . still have closing cost but with sellers concesion you can get those paid for you. up to 6 % of the sales price.

if your credit is lacking and you do not know someone you trust that does have good credit. Try looking for seller financing or wrap around motgages. in effect the seller becomes the bank for all or 20 percent .

The lender will take a lower risk loan lets say 70 or 80% . if you have any ability to pay back the loan.

Remember most lenders only will only give you 75 % of the rent. this is to offset vacancies. so calculate your possible rent(s) to see if they will cover the mortgage at that 75% rate. That is how the lender will typically adjust your debt to income ratio.

The scenario is if you cannot make the property pay its full mortgage while you speculate the market, then any overage in payments to the lender must be offset by equitable gains in the R/E market.

simply said if you lose 1 percent in payments the market must out pace 1% for it to be a viable investment tool. However the nature of speculating can make huge gains with some markets in the south projected at 15%

hope that helps email me at my website if I help.

Medieval society economics-was it "regulated" ?

was there a reserve bank that set interest rates etc. when did this system start ?

did the government use systems to control inflation %26amp; employment such as monetary %26amp; fiscal policy ?

Medieval society economics-was it %26quot;regulated%26quot; ?rate my

no monetary policy in middle ages.

US Federal reserve system was started in early 20th century.

Fiscal policy was there, and was actively used - both taxes and spending by government (or royal court) were important instruments of policy.

Economic policy was not as important as it is now though, since king (or government) could also make money through wars or colonization.

Medieval society economics-was it %26quot;regulated%26quot; ?


Money was coins of gold or other metals, so the deflation was more common than inflation until American gold was brought to Spain by the conquistadors. It was not a capitalist economy so there were no business cycles, and unemployment was the product of people losing their land though enclosures of farm land for sheep.

The Bank of England was established about 1700 and the US did not create the fed until 1913, although there had been a national bank for short periods of time before then. Active monetary policy was only started late in the depression in the 1930%26#039;s.

APR, EAR and ERP question about investment?

Question Details: Basima currently has $9,500 at an investment bank. She began investing 8 years ago at 6% Annual Percentage Rate (APR) or quoted rate. About 2 years ago, Basima began her full-time employment and could have contributed a lumpsum amount of $2,300 at the end of year 7 and another lumpsum amount of $3,200 at the end of year 8.

d) If Basima wished to double her current account value $9,500 within the next 9 years, what rate of APR from the bank would satisfy her goal? (show timeline)

e) Another local investment bank has offered her an interest rate of 10% APR compounded monthly. Calculate the Effective Annual Rate (EAR) and the Effective Periodic Rate (EPR) if Basima were to invest bi-weekly (every 2 weeks).

APR, EAR and ERP question about investment?rate my professor

EAR is [1+(APR/n)]^n where n= number of times compounded a year.

EAR= [1+.(1/12)]^12= 10.4713%

EPR is [1+EAR]^(1/26)-1=0.383756%

I'm getting a Business Loan?

What are the criterion to get a good loan? I am a college student starting an after school business. I have 3 years experience and have about 5,000 in my bank account. My credit rating is also around 700. What else would they be looking for if I wanted a 50,000+ loan?

I%26#039;m getting a Business Loan?payment calculator

However, if you%26#039;re applying for a loan and if it is a big amount, banks and even the SBA may consider other factors aside from your business credit:

- A business plan explaining what the business is

- Your background and experience in the business -- in my experience, this is KEY in the eyes of the bank because they want to make sure that you know what you are doing and that you can make the business work. If you don%26#039;t have any experience with the business, have someone on board that knows the business to give banks assurance that someone will guide you

- Your credit factors because it shows your dependability and how well you handle credit. They will do a credit check on you and poor credit history may be frowned upon, or even reason for the disapproval of your loan application

- Your collateral. Banks, even SBA guaranteed loans, want the borrower to show collateral. They want to be guaranteed that somewhere somehow they can get payment from you

- Condition or terms of loans. Banks would want to know three important things: %26quot;How much money are you requesting? What will it be used for? and For how long will it be needed?%26quot; Banks oftentimes prefer to approve loans for items that can be identified, has lasting value, and can be repossessed and sold if things fail.

- equity investment -- about 20% or $10,000 as banks want to see you put your own money in your business

Some banks extend what they call %26quot;small business lines of credit%26quot; often through credit cards. Those are easier to get and can be based on your credit history alone. They typically are up to $100,000.

For example, Wachovia%26#039;s has various business lines of credits Their business line of credit can even be approved overnight,

Are mexicans working in the USA being taxed by the mexican government when they send money home?

Are mexicans working in the USA being taxed by the mexican government when they send money home?

I know they are losing money from transfer fees, bank wires and exchange rates. Is their government taxing their earnings when they send money home?

Are mexicans working in the USA being taxed by the mexican government when they send money home?credit check

No. The Mexican government only taxes its citizens who live and work in Mexico, not those who live abroad.

Are mexicans working in the USA being taxed by the mexican government when they send money home? loan

Of course not. They don%26#039;t pay taxes in USA either.)

Buying a home?

Ok well im not buying a home literally, but im looking for one, for my wife and i, right now its impossible for us to buy a home, because i dont work, although our credit is good, close to excellent actually, i just want to know with too much jargon, what is actually involved in buying a house, i understand about bank mortgages and good rates, approval, pre approval etc. But, what should i look for in buying a home, in terms of foreclosed homes, auctions etc, im looking for a home where it doesnt have to be in perfect condition, but i dont want it to fall down in 10 years time,where should i be looking for that? also as far as realtors, inspectors, surveyors go, what is there job?, are they nessesary when buying a home? Im a first time home buyer,(well will be) so any other info i can be given that i haven mentions im probably not aware about so i be grateful for all your advise and experiences, Thankyou!

Buying a home?student finance

Forclosures, %26quot;Short Sales%26quot;, Auctions etc usually have an

%26quot;as/is%26quot; stipulation - which can get tricky in some situations. If you don%26#039;t want to hire a realtor there is plenty you can do on your own. You can always go to the county assesors office for a NOD list - that is notice of default list - it%26#039;s public information and available to you.

You also have the ability to search for homes in your area by price range - on,, whatever engine you choose to use - There is always a deal to be had.

You can find a cheap home in a nicer area - you just have to look! Thats where a realtor would come in - they have a bit more details on a property - for example they can search the multiple listing service and type in paramaters to better suit your specifc needs.

Inspectors are neccesary! They can help you determine if a home as a cracked slab, a possible termite infestion, structural damages, (notice if a pool is sinking - that recently happened!)etc - they can make or break a deal for you.

Consider yourself as a coach of a basketball team - You want the best players involved - a good realtor who is a straight shooter, a good home inspector, a reliable and dependable appraiser.

This is one of the BIGGEST financial transactions of your life - never be afraid to ask questions - hell it%26#039;s your realtors job (when you hire one) to listen to you and help guide you through this process. There is a lot to learn but it shouldn%26#039;t burden you. Most realtors have a home buying guide for first time buyers - I know I always give my clients one at the begininning of any transaction. If you need one let me know!

Good luck and happy hunting!

And as for the man who rudely corrected your grammar - who made him the grammar guru of the day?

T %26amp;Maresa

Buying a home?


When looking at foreclosed homes ,

Factor in an additional 50% for basic repairs ,

As many of them are trashed %26amp; not habitable .

Realtors list properties and put them on the MLS .

Inspectors are the ones that find all the code violations that could kill you because most homeowners are idiots when it comes to maintenance and repairs ( like putting oversized breakers on elec wires that are too small) .

This guy is totally necessary unless you are a qualifed general contractor ( from your question , I%26#039;m guessing Not ) .

Surveyors are the guys that line out the property and other chores when you contract to have a home built .

%26gt;|||If you have no job, you have to have a job first and keep there for at least two years. Then you can consider to buy a house.

Buying a house, depending on how much is your annual salary. Also, you have to save at least 10% downpayment and at least 2 or 3% of the house amount for daily living. That is, you have to save 12-13% money in order to buy a house. There is no big difference from foreclosed home or auctions or a house on market because if one of the kinds is cheaper than the others, people will go for it. I hope I do not make you depressed. I am planning to buy a home too. I have the similar situations to yours.|||check out it has lots of useful home buying information FOR FREE!|||JD

I assume your wife is working or you wouldn%26#039;t have credit at all much less excellent credit. It sounds like you are just looking for a good deal on a home. You can use all the resources you have talked about here or you can do it the easy way and obtain a Realtor to help you. Realtors work on a commission basis and do not get paid until escrow closes. You won%26#039;t (as the buyer) be out of pocket as usually the Realtor fees are built into the sales price on the house and goes on the sellers side of the settlement statement. A realtor can explain the process and help you through it. A good one will stick with you until you are ready to buy. There are some Realtors that will actually take you through a mock transaction. Call! It doesn%26#039;t cost anything and you will learn more than you can ever imagine.|||There is no substitute for doing your own research. You have essentially answered your own question. Yes, to all of the above. Yes, you need inspections, certifications, all that... or you assume the risk for any defects. Some things, such as repairs to meet building codes, must be resolved before escrow can close. This kind of thing may be invisible, which is why you need the inspections and such. Buying a house is no different than buying anything else of high value (that you want to finance), but it is probably the most complicated business transaction you will ever make. It would help most if you were employed regarding financing. Time to visit your local public library and the research desk. Ask them this same question, about what research you should be doing, and they can guide you to reference materials specific to the task at hand which fits in with your level of education.

None of this is going to help you if you are having trouble with the language. If what you entered into the box for your question is typical for your language skill level, I can see you need to work on your spelling, punctuation and grammar. (Which is why you should consult the library, so you can actually speak with a person as maybe you are the kind who communicates better with the spoken word than in writing.)|||Imma mortgage broker if your score is over 725 you should qualify for a NINA (no income, no asset) loan, it has not debt ratio, but more and more banks are not accepting fourclosures unless you buy it from the bank that being fourclosed and in alot of cases you can not see the fourclosed home, I suggest you talk to a mortgage broker you trust and start home looking they usually will be on the look out from you for homes that meet your needs financial and in the type of house

What do i need to consider when opening a savins account?

i need help on picking the right bank?

is high interest rates good or bad?

What do i need to consider when opening a savins account?credit union

The monthly maintenance fees

What do i need to consider when opening a savins account? loan

Shop around and ask to the customer service representative.

Also, take note about the distance of the bank. It is better to have one close to you.|||The average bank offers little interest so I don%26#039;t see much sense in putting my money in those banks. Online virtual banks like ING have a higher interest (but dropping). The higher your interest is, the better.|||For a savings a high interest would be a good thing. Choose a bank that pays the highest interest on your savings. Some banks charge a maintance fee (usually $4.00) if you fall below a certain so it cost you money when you take money out.|||Reputation of the bank, quality of service and hidden charges levied by them - all these are to be considered.

I want a good return on my money! What should I do?

I%26#039;m wondering if a particular bank has really high rates for a CD or if there is some other type of account I should be putting my money in if I really ant it to work for me. I would love to get a high percentage back on it.

I want a good return on my money! What should I do?heart rate is your best option!

I want a good return on my money! What should I do? loan

If you are young, the more risk, the more of a risk premium your return will have.

If you are older and do not have time to ride out fluctuations, CD%26#039;s are good.|||Bank CDs are a good way to get a good return on your money, but investing in stocks will increase you exponentially. I have a friend who invested $4000 in a particular toy company and within 3 months his investments yeilded him a profit of $18,000. Now, there are risks buying stocks because there are no guarantees that your particular stock will rise or fall, so if you want to play it safe, then invest in CDs. I hope this helps you out.


Making Money Online The Easy Way|||If you truly want a good return on your money stop investing in fully taxable low interest investments like cd%26#039;s. Cd%26#039;s t-bills and the like have never retained their purchasing power after taxes and inflation over any meaningful time period.

To invest in them with the idea of building long term wealth is nothing short of pure fantasy. Learn to control your emotions, deal with the ups downs of the stock market and hire someone to keep you on the right track. Whether you realize it now or when itsd too late that is what you have to do.

How does the Canadian dollar affect interest rates?

Now that the Canadian dollar is at parity with the US dollar, I%26#039;ve been hearing in the news that the Bank of Canada will be hiking interest rates. What is the reason behind this? How exactly does the dollar affect the interest rate? Thanks!

How does the Canadian dollar affect interest rates?credit counseling

The dollar does not affect the interest rate.

What the problem is, is the parity dollar, it makes exporting companies less competitive so the Canadian gov%26#039;t would really like a lower dollar.

But The Canadian gov%26#039;t also sees an overheated economy and is worried about inflation, and they will raise interest rates to stem inflation. Unfortuneatly this will attract more money to Canada and will raise the value of the dollar furthur

Like possible CDA/US 1.10/1 in a few years

Banks offering the highest interest rates on a 5 year fixed deposit?

Why do you want to go for long terms, when you get better rate in short term?

Check co-operative banks in area nearby you. Generally they offer better deal (rate wise, duration wise)

Banks offering the highest interest rates on a 5 year fixed deposit?credit repair

try an online bank like ing direct they all offer much better rates on savings accounts and cds.

Banks offering the highest interest rates on a 5 year fixed deposit? loan

ICICI,INDUSIND BANK, SBI all are offering very high upto 10% pa interest on 5 yr FDs which are eligible for deduction under section 80c. But the interest is taxable.|||Check following banks


Allahabad Bank


Don%26#039;t go for any co operative of small banks. variation of 0.5 % interest is ok but security is most important.|||icici, sbi, lvb, cub, tmbc, for all i suppose

sure for senier citizen.|||Try FatWallet, they have a thread on the best CD rates. for example, for 3-month CDs:

*U $$$$+ State Bank of India 5.56%

U $$$ VirtualBank 5.56%

U $ Imperial Capital Bank 5.50%

*U $$$$ State Bank of India 5.46%

U $$ Indy Mac Bank 5.45%

S $$$ Countrywide 5.30%

D $$$$+ Stearns Bank 5.30%

D $$$$+ Advanta Bank Corp 5.30%

S $$$ FirstFedDirect 5.26% - California residents excluded from this offer.

U $ Gmac Bank 5.25%

S $$$$+ ESB Bank 5.25%

etc|||At present we cay say, they are offering high interest rate on small FD like 1 yrs etc. It is less in case of 5 yrs plans but comapratively more.|||Hello Ramcam :

Send me an email at will surely tell you how invest to do it without any risks. At good leverages

Dont waste your time looking around


Do you know how the banks get your money?? Inflation??

Did you know that the private Federal Reserve %26quot;banks%26quot; are the cause of inflation? They are NOT government agencies. The government goes to the Federal Reserve, asks for some money to be created in an online account because they already have too much debt, and the government uses that money to pay the bills. So then a postal worker gets some of that money as salary. He deposits some of it into a bank, say $1,000, because he knows that inflation will reduce the value of his money if he doesn%26#039;t deposit it. Then did you know what the bank does with that money? It loans 900% of that amount out to other working citizens at a high interest rate. That%26#039;s right - under federal law banks only have to keep 10% of their money on hand. So the bank keeps the original $1,000 and can loan out $9,000 without actually having the extra money on hand. So the bank has $10,000 now and can loan out the other 90% ($9,000) at high interest. This is how they make all that money at our expense. What to do??

Do you know how the banks get your money?? Inflation??postage rate

Banks are evil. What else can be said?

Do you know how the banks get your money?? Inflation?? loan

The way money is handled today has brought unparalleled prosperity.

Think how much more prosperous and vibrant a modern economy is than one a hundred years ago. Back when Russia was building the trans-Siberian railway, (started around 1891) they ran into a snag... a big snag. Their treasury didn%26#039;t have enough money to finance it. If you can believe it, back when money was not as creatively used and loaned, a huge country like Russia could not even afford one major construction job (granted, it was 5,772 miles long, but countries today are crisscrossed today by train tracks, highways, bridges, etc. and it doesn%26#039;t make a big dent in a government%26#039;s budget).

What about people who need a loan for a car or a house? A hundred years ago, personal loans were much less common, and hence home ownership was nowhere near what it is today.

The Federal Reserve cannot really cause inflation. If the economy startes overheating, the Fed will raise interest rates to cool it down. Everthing is monitored quite closely, and partly as a result, we have unparalleled prosperity.|||- Re: What to do?

First thing is to ensure you have all your information correct

- Re: private Federal Reserve %26quot;banks%26quot;

While the Federal Reserve branch banks may be considered private (though the Fed disagrees - see ), the Federal Reserve system is run by the Board of Governors, a government agency.

Even more important to your point, monetary policy is controlled by the Board of Governors (a federal agency) not the branches.

- Re: The government goes to the Federal Reserve, asks for some money to be created in an online account

Well, this is a complete misunderstanding on how the sysem works.

In fact, by design, the Federal Reserve was quasi-independent to reduce the temptation for the president and congress to just create money to pay bills. Look up incidents of hyperinflation and you will find the root cause of most is abuse of the power to create money in reaction to fiscal difficulties.

When the Government (excluding the Fed Res) needs money, they can only tax or borrow.

The Fed may or may not buy the T-Bills on the open market (they DO NOT buy T-Bills directly from the Treasury) depending on demands for currency.

- Re: under federal law banks only have to keep 10% of their money on hand. So the bank keeps the original $1,000 and can loan out $9,000

sounds like you have a misunderstanding of how the depositer multiplier.

In your example, the bank can loan out only $900 of that $1000 deposit. Period.

However, if the person receiving the loan re-deposits it, the bank can loan out 90% of that also.

And so it goes, so that in theory, if loaning+redepositing will generate 9x in new interest-paying deposits, offset by 9x in corresponding interest-paying loans.

Now in reality banks have to maintain much higher reserves because depositers (especially checking) and borrowers want to use their money, not leave it idle. So in practice, banks maintain about 60-70% reserve for checking, and 30-40% for savings.

oh, A-C. You obviously have the compassion and drive to be a terrific activist. However, you allow yourself to be led astray by the looking-glass world of fringe web sites. If you want to be effective, be skeptical of everything you read, get a command of the facts. Read up on %26quot;confirmation bias%26quot; ( ) and be your own toughest critic.

Do u know of anyone who consolidate private studentloans for very low int rates only those who know

i tried sallie mae chase bank and next studen their rates are to high my credit is 640 please refer me only if u have used them thank u best answer 10 points ofcourse!!!!!!!

Do u know of anyone who consolidate private studentloans for very low int rates only those who know from exp??honda finance

Try Graduate Leverage:

I have used them as has several of my friends.

Why are credit unions able to pay better interest rates on CDs than banks?

Credit Unions are financial cooperatives. They are owned by the members. Their board of directors and any committees are volunteers and do not get paid a salary. They are not for profit. These things add up to lower rates on loans and higher rates on savings.

Why are credit unions able to pay better interest rates on CDs than banks?heart rate monitor

Lower over head on executive salaries and fewer executives period. Working on a local level reduces costs on multiple items.

Why are credit unions able to pay better interest rates on CDs than banks? loan

biggest reason is that Credit Unions are not publicly held, they are %26quot;owned%26quot; by the depositors/members. Not having to answer to stock holders or pay dividends allows them to pay the members by higher rates on CD%26#039;s and lower rates on loans.

What banks have the highest intrest rates?

ING and HSBC have high rates, and most of their products are FDIC insured. provides links to CD%26#039;s with high interest rates as well as high interest rate banks. You can check these at the following links:

You should also consider the Vanguard Prime Money Market Fund with a current compound yield of ~4.65% APR.

If you are in a high tax bracket you may prefer their tax exempt money market funds:

Sometimes other institutions will have a higher teaser rate, but Vanguard tends to have the highest yields I%26#039;ve found over the long run. (Vanguard money markets are not FDIC insured, however.)

Article on teaser rates:

(If you are investing for a long period of time and are willing to accept some volatility, you should consider putting some money into no-load low-expense mutual funds. These are not guaranteed, but over the long run produce much higher returns.)


What banks have the highest intrest rates?credit card debt

Countrywide, for one, which has just been bought by Bank of America. CW%26#039;s high rates may not last going forward.

otherwise, you can always check for daily updates on who%26#039;s the highest for various terms.

What banks have the highest intrest rates?


It is very complected question and if i got you right it depends on many factors:

1. Rating of the bank (the higher the rating is the lower the interest that you will get

2. the amount of your money you have. more money means higher interest you get cause the bank want you.

3. more competition means higher rates for you

4. why to loan the banks money instead you can buy Gov bonds or even corporate bonds (at this days they offer very high rates if you stay till maturity, cause of sub prime crunch)|||Etrade has been one of the highest for a long time. And they still offer a very good interest rate.

But there%26#039;s the little problem of them almost going bankrupt.|||Foreign Banks with operations in Third World Countries.

Which banks pay the highest interest rates to personal savings accounts in New York?

Your best bet is to go online. Citibank, ING Direct,, all those beat a live bank out of the water. I love the service I get from ING, I recommend them.

Which banks pay the highest interest rates to personal savings accounts in New York?care credit


Which banks pay the highest interest rates to personal savings accounts in New York? loan

check out You can search by type of account, size of account, and by city.|||ING Direct now is offering 4.50% APY. I%26#039;ve been very happy with them for a few years and transferring money to and from my checking account is a breeze.

Which banks give best fixed deposit rates in India?

you can check out which is a good site to compare fixed deposit rates in India.

Which banks give best fixed deposit rates in India?inflation rate

Do not get misled with the % interest... ask whether tax deduction at source is there...?

Which banks give best fixed deposit rates in India? loan

i think it depends on the amount and duration of deposit and also on whether you want the interest quarterly or annually|||Fixed deposit rates varies every day from bank to bank. You can negotiate for FD rate with the bank if your are putting good amount of money.

Always try to get a quote from different banks and then negotiate with them. This only works if amount is big (once again). Also, various factorys, that money market, money crisis, duration of your investment, will effect these factors.

I have noticed that Govt. Banks do not give very good rates in comparison to Foreign banks. Atleast, personally, with me, ICICI always beaten everyone else and finally closed the deal.|||DurationInstitutionsRate

3 monthsCitibank7.50

6 monthsDevelopment Credit Bank8.25

1 yearDBS Bank9.25

2 yearsDBS Bank9.75

3 yearsTamilnad Mercantile Bank9.50

4 yearsTamilnad Mercantile Bank

Lakshmi Vilas Bank9.50

5 yearsTamilnad Mercantile Bank

Lakshmi Vilas Bank9.50

%26gt;5 yearsTamilnad Mercantile Bank10.00

Is there a website where I can compare fixed deposit rates in all Indian banks?

try excellent site!

Is there a website where I can compare fixed deposit rates in all Indian banks?child tax credit

just go to the following website.

this is very useful to you.

Is there a website where I can compare fixed deposit rates in all Indian banks?


The FFKerala site interest rates are all wrong. Dont go by it. SBH is shown as paying the highest. Actual rates are


Effect from 25-06-2007


Effect from 13-08-2007



Rs.15 lacs

Rs.15 lacs and upto Rs.5 cr


Rs.15 lacs

Rs.15 lacs and upto Rs.5 cr

7 days to 14 days 0.00




15 days to 45 days





46 days and upto 90 days





91 days and upto 179 days





180 days to less than 1 year





1 year to less than 2 years





2 years to less than 3 years





3 years to less than 5 years 9.00




5 years and upto 10 years





* Term Deposits for maturity period of “7 days to 14 days” shall be accepted for single deposit of Rs. 15 lacs and above.

IVLN Chary|||Yup! Goto

Define the term "competitive banking system". distinguish between gross rates and net rate

As Ranking Democrat of the Banking Committee since 1998, Rep. LaFalce became the point man for the Clinton Administration on all financial economic issues, and consistently demonstrated his leadership by initiating, advocating and securing the enactment of numerous laws designed to increase consumer protection; expand housing and community development; increase competition to provide consumers the widest range of financial services at the lowest cost; ensure the safety, soundness and competitive strength of the banking system; and improve the efficacy and fairness of international development programs. His leadership role was enlarged further in 2001, at the beginning of the 107th Congress, when the House Banking Committee became the House Financial Services Committee, with expanded jurisdiction that encompassed all three pillars of the U.S. financial system: banking, securities, and insurance. Since that change, Rep. LaFalce has played the key leadership role in developing and enacting new regulatory oversight and increased investor protections in the securities area, to restore market confidence after the corporate abuses revealed by Enron, Global Crossing, WorldCom and others.

Define the term %26quot;competitive banking system%26quot;. distinguish between gross rates and net rates.?mortgage lenders

okay competitive banking, is those banks who share similar interest rates... okay say wells fargo and bank of america need to increase customers, they set thier interest rates the same, or less to increase customers. They also secure larger government loans by lowering the interest rates. Gross rates are those that they ask for, like 3.9% is the gross rate, the whole amount they ask for, now factor in carring costs, and bank fees, and the interest rate looks for like 4.2% that is the %26quot;net rate%26quot;

What banks/establishments are paying the highest interest rates on CD'S.?

On 5 month, 8 month and 1 year terms. I know that WAMU pays somewhere around 5.35% apy. on a 5 month term for new customers ($5,000 minimum), I%26#039;m trying to see if there is a higher rate somewhere else before I make the deposit. Also are CD%26#039;s insured up to 100k by the federal reserve?

What banks/establishments are paying the highest interest rates on CD%26#039;S.?unemployment rate

go to

they collect that data and can show you which banks are offering the best APY and on what terms.

What banks/establishments are paying the highest interest rates on CD%26#039;S.?


Try|||Try Capital One Direct on line banking I found out about their high yeild through one of Suze Ormans books an opened my account about 1 month ago.|||Bank deposits, including CD%26#039;s, are not insured by the Federal Reserve.

Bank deposits, including CD%26#039;s, are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).|||You should try federal credit unions. They tend to give higher rates.

I don%26#039;t know about CD%26#039;s, but the federal reserve insures up to 200k..

How do banks determine savings account interest rates?

We look at our competition and our depositors and set a price that will keep the amount of money we need to have. It is about as scientific as tossing a coin. The market really controls the rate with the banks reacting to it.

What cooperativa in the northwest area offers the most flexible loan interest rates and payment term

I want to take a personal loan and banks have high interest rates, short term payment lengths and only give me a small amount. Is there any good cooperativas in between the mayaguez and arecibo area?

What cooperativa in the northwest area offers the most flexible loan interest rates and payment terms?loan

I have an account with COOPACA and they have great benefits and they have many locations trough out Puerto Rico

What cooperativa in the northwest area offers the most flexible loan interest rates and payment terms?


busca en la guia telefonica y llama a las que encuentres y que te orienten sobre eso

A man wishes to borrow 锟?0,000 for two years and to repay the loan plus interest at the?

A man wishes to borrow 锟?0,000 for two years and to repay the loan plus interest at the

end of the two years.

Bank A charges interest on loans weekly at the nominal rate of 11% per annum. Bank B

charges interest on loans quarterly at the rate of 3% per quarter. Bank C charges interest

for the first six months with an AER of 3% and for the remaining period with an AER of


In each case calculate the amount payable at the end of the two year period. Which bank

would you choose for your loan?

A man wishes to borrow 锟?0,000 for two years and to repay the loan plus interest at the?payday loan

Bank A would be the best deal for a loan, charging only 锟?,321 for the privilege of using their money. Total repayment is 锟?2,321.

Bank B and Bank C are fairly close charging ~锟?,667 (for a total of 锟?2,667) and ~锟?,669 (for a total of 锟?2,669) respectively.


Which country do banks offer lowest (home) loan rates?

A home loan, or mortgage, is most simply described as a loan taken out so that you can purchase a home. Here we鈥檒l explain the very basics of home loans so that you can at least have a basic knowledge of mortgages and how they work.To obtain a home loan you will%26lt;!--need to be at least 18 years old and have the income required to be able to easily afford the loan payments. While many mortgages are placed on existing homes, you can obtain a home loan based on units, condominiums, new construction or land packages.

Regardless of what you need, there is most certainly a home loan option to match your case.Home loans are usually taken out for 15 or 30-year terms and your monthly--%26gt;payment will be based on the principal and interest rate. You may also find that some lenders require that your mortgage payment also include property taxes, insurance, etc. The interest rate for fixed rate mortgage loans tends to be higher than that of variable rate mortgage loans.

My husband & I are looking to buy our first home. We live in ohio. Where can we get low mortgage

tried 53 bank so far but their rates just didn%26#039;t seem reasonable. Thanks.

My husband %26amp; I are looking to buy our first home. We live in ohio. Where can we get low mortgage rates?We havecar loan

Check credit unions they offer very low rates. I pay 3.9% thru my credit union.

My husband %26amp; I are looking to buy our first home. We live in ohio. Where can we get low mortgage rates?We have loan

Where you go almost does not matter when it comes to the rate.

What does matter is your credit score. The down payment, the loan amount and other loan terms can also impact the rate to some degree.

If you have tried 53 banks and the rate is too high it might be that your expectations are out of line with the mortgage market. Or that there is a specific credit issue that is causes lenders to view you as high risk so they want a high rate.|||are you crazy? Ever one of these banks must pull your credit. So your scores are in the dumper. Stop it right now. It will take up to 90 days for them to reset. Also Opt out of Credit offers by calling 888-567-8688 this should increase your scores by as much as 10 points. You are at this point a mortgage bankers nightmare. You will only get good rates with high scores. Your scores must be around 620 or greater to get conforming rates. You know the ones that are published in the papers! So every time your credit is pulled your scores could drop as muc as 2 points and I have in the past seen them drop as much as 100 points by this type of activity.

I am a mortgage banker in TN %26amp; KY|||im licenced for that state

please feel free to call me at 1-866-242-6689 ext.5002

ask for me, my name is Jennifer.

I can see what my bank can do for you if you%26#039;d like.

as an aside, the rates arent what they were 5-6 years ago,

youre best bet is to get an ARM or some kind of interst only

program ARM that will temporarolly give you the lowest payment possible. Good luck|||I%26#039;m guessing you mean 5th 3rd not 53 banks? I%26#039;m also guessing you are in the cinci area. I own several homes and always have used the same loan officer w/Countrywide in Milford. They usually seem to have the best rates i have found. I always compare w/several banks and savings and loans in the area before going w/countrywide, but always seem to end up there. Guardian is also a good bank to check rates.|||Stop! With all that credit checking you won%26#039;t get any better rates than you were already quoted. I think your expectations may be too high, so please reconsider some of those previous offers. They are most likely better than you think.

Can a car be returned to a lot?

I bought a used 2006 van last night and I was trying to get approved for a loan with the same bank that I have been financing with for the last 2 years. I was told that I was only approved for the same interest rate and that I needed to put way more money than I was down, I was able to put $1000 down. Anyways I ended up going with a different lender for an even higher interest rate and then called the bank I really wanted and had a history with to ask why the stipulations and no change in interest with all the good standing I have had and they told me I was actually approved for 2.25% lower interest rate than what I had before with NO stipulations. I called the dealer and now what, does anyone know my rights? If I need to can I return the car?

Can a car be returned to a lot?apply for a loan

This is a little confusing. Why do you want to return the car if your bank approved you for a good loan rate? Why not just stay with the other lender with the good rate?

If you have already signed all the papers for the car and the car is in your possession, you can%26#039;t return it unless the dealer is kind enough to let you. Of course, if you don%26#039;t yet have financing, the car still belongs to the dealer and he%26#039;ll want it back.

Can a car be returned to a lot?


If you signed all the loan papers, by law, no you cannot unless there is stuff they need. Without proper papers ( stips ) and everything signed, the car is not technically yours until funding has been given to the dealer from the bank. Worse case, call the bank they put you through and tell them you won%26#039;t pay. They%26#039;ll deny the deal. Then go to your bank and get approved there. Then if you want the van still go work on price only. You%26#039;ll have your own financing. But if they have all they need for financing and the deal has been funded by the bank, then you are out of luck.

Did you sign everything?|||This is why you need to secure financing PRIOR to going car shopping. Dealers are crooks and they will do and say anything to rob you blind.

All the dealer has to do is meet all the terms (APR, downpayment, length of loan, etc) that%26#039;s listed in your contract. Only way you can back out is if they have to change the terms, at which time, you have the option to return the vehicle.

Do low mortgage rates usually have hidden fees?

For example, do the rates like 5.75% at a big %26quot;chain%26quot; mortgage company usually end up cost you more than a 6.25% rate at a well respected locally owned bank?

Do low mortgage rates usually have hidden fees?bad credit loan

No. They don%26#039;t at all. All mortgages are required to tell you what the APR on your loan is. This combines the interest rate and all costs into 1 rate. This is the rate you should pay the most attention to. Typically broker have higher costs but lower rates.

Always talk to 2 or 3 lenders to ensure your getting a good deal.

Is it illegal for banks to charge higher interest rates for loans than they pay depositors?


Is it illegal for banks to charge higher interest rates for loans than they pay depositors?business loan

Yes it is in Texas

Is it illegal for banks to charge higher interest rates for loans than they pay depositors? loan

No that is how banks make money.... well one of the ways.

If they paid out as much as they brought in they could never make money.


No it is not in Texas either.|||No. This is how they make their money. They charge more to lend the money and pay the depositors less. If they didn%26#039;t, then there wouldn%26#039;t be any money to pay depositors in the first place.

Then there is also the amount banks charge each other for lending money, or buying loans.|||No. This is how banks earn money. There wouldn%26#039;t be any banks at all if they were not allowed to earn a profit. Also, banks have a lot of expenses, such as for building space, advertising, employees, utilities, bad loans, etc.

If you think banks charge a lot of interest, you should look at how much money the payday lenders charge. It is outrageous and it%26#039;s legal.

Good luck.|||Illegal?

It%26#039;s not only legal, but required to stay in business.

Banks, like every business, are in the business to make a profit for their shareholders. If banks charged the same interest for loans as they do deposits, they would not be in business for very long.|||I won%26#039;t get into the whole federal reserve Reserve Requirment but if they loaned money out at the same rate they paid depositors, they would lose about 10% of the interest rate they are paying depositors|||no, deposit + bank profit =loan

Bed and breakfast plan to succeed?

bed and breakfast plan to succeed.

if you%26#039;re opening a b/b in an area w an average occupancy rate of of 70%, what should u should u estimate for your first years occupancy rate?

a. 30

b. 35



suppose you plan to open a 3 room b/b in an area where the average room rate is $85. What would be the annual revenue for this in at 100% occupancy?





which of the following types of customers should u fill in order to fill ur b/b%26#039;s rooms on weekdays?

a. families w children

b.single parents

c.couples travelers

which of the following is most likely of having ur b/b inspected?

a easier to register your business rates may be reduced. may grant you a loan taxes may be reduced

you found that start-up costs are too high, which is the best place to reduce these costs?

a, market research

b,renovation expenses

c,inspection fees


Additional Details

1 week ago

which of the following is a start-up cost?

a. cost of market research

b. good sold

c. income taxes

d. employee wages

Bed and breakfast plan to succeed?loan rates

1. B - 35, which is 50% of your expected

2. C - 93,075 (3 rooms X 365 days a year X $85 a night)

3. D - business travelers travel on weekdays, where as the other all travel generally on the weekends.

4. C - banks want to see what they are giving a loan on, so they will inspect the property to see if it is worth the value of the loan.

5. B - Renovation Expenses can be held off and done at a later point, as long as they are only cosmetic

6. A - Market research is done before you open up, so it is a start-up cost. All the other costs get going after you are actually open.

Good luck.

Hotel management?

bed and breakfast plan to succeed.

if you%26#039;re opening a b/b in an area w an average occupancy rate of of 70%, what should u should u estimate for your first years occupancy rate?

a. 30

b. 35



suppose you plan to open a 3 room b/b in an area where the average room rate is $85. What would be the annual revenue for this in at 100% occupancy?





which of the following types of customers should u fill in order to fill ur b/b%26#039;s rooms on weekdays?

a. families w children

b.single parents

c.couples travelers

which of the following is most likely of having ur b/b inspected?

a easier to register your business rates may be reduced. may grant you a loan taxes may be reduced

you found that start-up costs are too high, which is the best place to reduce these costs?

a, market research

b,renovation expenses

c,inspection fees


ready to open a 6 room b/b,estimated expenses firs

Hotel management?student loan

which of the following is a start-up cost?

a. cost of market research

sorry, i%26#039;m not a hotel management student, so i couldn%26#039;t help, I%26#039;m answering based on my accounting knowledge.

Hotel manage?

Hotel management?

bed and breakfast plan to succeed.

if you%26#039;re opening a b/b in an area w an average occupancy rate of of 70%, what should u should u estimate for your first years occupancy rate?

a. 30

b. 35



suppose you plan to open a 3 room b/b in an area where the average room rate is $85. What would be the annual revenue for this in at 100% occupancy?





which of the following types of customers should u fill in order to fill ur b/b%26#039;s rooms on weekdays?

a. families w children

b.single parents

c.couples travelers

which of the following is most likely of having ur b/b inspected?

a easier to register your business rates may be reduced. may grant you a loan taxes may be reduced

you found that start-up costs are too high, which is the best place to reduce these costs?

a, market research

b,renovation expenses

c,inspection fees


Additional Details

1 week ago

which of the following is a start-up cost?

a. cost of market research

b. good sold

c. income taxes

d. employee wages

Hotel manage?cash loan

1. C ( not to much or to little)

2. B (start small get big)

3. ABCD (all costomers are the same)

4. D ( this is a personal question, this is my view but you need to find somthing that works for you)

5. C or A ( you need b to get people to stay, you need d just incase somthing goes wrong)

6. A and C (d and b can wait, you need this place up and running)

Any alternatives to the low rates on TD Ameritrade's Money Market Deposit Account (MMDA)?

According to the rates are very low. Do they offer any alternatives? Or do I need to buy into a real money market fund or something?

TD Bank USA, N.A. Money Market Deposit Account Rates

Dollar Range Interest Rate Annual Percentage Yield

$0.01-$4,999 0.04999% 0.05%

$5,000-$24,999 0.04999% 0.05%

$25,000-$99,999 0.09995% 0.10%

$100,000-$199,999 0.99545% 1.00%

$200,000 and above 1.24290% 1.25%


Dollar Range Interest Rate Annual Percentage Yields

$0.01-$1,999 0.00% 0.00%

$2,000-$9,999 0.04999% 0.05%

$10,000-$24,999 0.04999% 0.05%

$25,000-$99,999 0.09995% 0.10%

$100,000 and above 0.49886% 0.50%

Effective February 1, 2008.

Any alternatives to the low rates on TD Ameritrade%26#039;s Money Market Deposit Account (MMDA)?mortgage loan

Yes there is an alternative:

Read stories from reporters that actually do research before they print garbage.

You have to call TD to change your MM choice - see the link below for alternatives.

ps: you can get these MM rates for IRAs. If they tell you you%26#039;re not qualified then check and make sure all your accounts are linked.

Any alternatives to the low rates on TD Ameritrade%26#039;s Money Market Deposit Account (MMDA)?


You may want to check out which is offering 4.05% and check out for current rates. There are a whole bunch of internet only products (that you have to link to your checking) that offer higher rates. Schwab has a high rate checking as well.|||Bruce Williams says savings accounts ( and I include money market) are obsolete. In this day and age, invest your money in equity mutual funds and get a credit card for the emergency money. If you have to use the card in an emergency, you don%26#039;t have to pull if from your investments (especially in a down market). and you can pay it back by working a little extra.

Not exactly what you asked, but I am not sure why you would need to give money away like that.|||May want to check out what is called PPN%26#039;s, Principal Protected Notes. They basically assure you of keeping whatever you put into the investment. They typically use the interest you would earn to purchase an exotic derivative that gives you an opportunity to gain significanly more that a money market fund. Talk to your broker/dealer they should have some in stock. There are some setbacks like you may be locked in for a certain timeframe. Be very careful with fee%26#039;s and look for distribution probabilities (chances of sucess).

These seem to be a good option with much more upside potential.|||You have to go shopping. There are so many on line trading and investment company%26#039;s. I use one that gives me a 4.5% return on moneys that I%26#039;m not useing in trade (buying or selling of stocks). Those rates are wrose than a savings acct. Make sure your reading the return rate correct. Look around you might find some has high has 6%. But? are you saving or investing and what do you want your money to do for you.Money rule of 72....take your return (3%) divied it into 72 your answer will be how long it will take for your money to dbbl. 3/72= 24 yrs. thats just letting the interest to agrue (compound)

Personal Loan vs. Auto Loan?

I need a new car, and need a loan for at least 10k of it. I don%26#039;t want my payments to be over $200 a month, and I don%26#039;t want the term to be any more than 5 years, with no pre-payment penalty. The interest rate doesn%26#039;t matter to me, just the monthly and the term.

Being that my credit is good, I feel this is simple enough, but my problem is that the car I want is a rebuilt classic from the 50%26#039;s. There are no if%26#039;s, and%26#039;s, or but%26#039;s about this---this is the car I%26#039;m getting. The issue is that most banks will only give you an auto loan for cars 15 years old and newer.

Thus, do I take a personal loan at a higher interest rate, or is there a bank or credit union anyone knows about that will finance me for a car this old? Or, is there a way to get a personal loan with a similar monthly payments and terms as a car loan? Thank you.

Personal Loan vs. Auto Loan?online loan

maybe you can get the car appraised and prove to the bank that the car is worth way more than you are going to purchase it for and they might consider making a loan to you for that amount with that car as colleteral

It is worth a try and if the car is valued at less, you could use this to bargin with the seller.

Personal Loan vs. Auto Loan?


I doubt it, I%26#039;m sorry.

Loans that actually have terms, like auto loans, have to be secured on something, such as a house. If you don%26#039;t have a house or will not put your house up as collateral, you%26#039;re basically out of luck.

Banks do personal loans that are on terms but the rates usually suck (like American General%26#039;s are at 25%). You%26#039;ll be lucky if you can get one at a decent rate.

Given that your credit is decent, I would try credit unions for options, but don%26#039;t count on an actual auto loan.

Friday, August 7, 2009

How do lenders work in terms of pre-approval?

I%26#039;m in southern California looking to borrow $260K in loan amount. I%26#039;ve looking around for various lenders with the best interest-rate. I see there are banks (Wamu, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, etc) and then there are lending companies that also do pre-approval. Well, I was using LendingTree and found matches that were with lenders outside of my state. One of which is Advance Mortgage Corp.

Now, what I don%26#039;t understand is, how does this work if I can%26#039;t meet with them face-to-face in my area? So, I can be pre-approved by a company in Utah, but how will the finanicial work if they%26#039;re not a bank? I%26#039;m confused on how national lending company works.

How do lenders work in terms of pre-approval?student loan consolidation

In general they will send you loan information in a good faith estimate that will detail the loan amount, payments, etc. From this you can make the choice as to whether it%26#039;s something you want.

How do lenders work in terms of pre-approval? loan

Pre approved doesn%26#039;t mean anything.they use it to

to get you to fill out a application.It don%26#039;t mean

your going to get a loan.Once you fill out a application.they sell it to a bank,who Selle%26#039;s it to

lending company that has a high % rate.|||These brokers/lenders have gone through the steps necessary to do business in your state. They will put the package together, get the approval, and send the documents to your location to be signed and returned. They will then sell the servicing to an investor to whom you will make your payments. At least, that is how it should work.

The problem that can occur is that they don%26#039;t do their job correctly, or they over promise and underdeliver, or they charge you more than they promised and you can%26#039;t get at them beacuse they are too far away. You may not even know if you are getting what you wre promised untilyou get to the closing table and realize that nothing is as you were told. This decision puts you at the mercy of people you know nothing about and who may or may not be ethical.

This is the price people pay when they shop for a loan based on rate only. It doesn%26#039;t do you any good to make a decision on something you have no guarantee you%26#039;ll get. Rate is only one component of what makes a mortgage loan the right one for your needs and goals.

You%26#039;d be much better off calling a local title company and getting referrals to 3 good, well known, experienced local loan officers with whom the escrow officers have had positive experiences.

We all sell to the same investors, rates are not going to differ that much but costs can vary greatly so compare the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) not the interest rate to find out which quotes are most cost effective. The closer the APR is to the interest rate quoted the less expensive the financing. You will find the APR on the Truth In Lending Disclosure. Run, don%26#039;t walk, from any loan officer who won%26#039;t give you one before you decide.

Good luck.|||You are advised to work with a local lender with whom you can have personal contact when needed. As a real estate agent, I have dealt with clients who used %26#039;telephone service%26#039; lenders, and the experiences have NOT been good. Late closing packages, delayed closings, and errors. And that%26#039;s not easy to repair when the lender is not nearby.

The worst I had was a simultaneous closing (one moving in and one moving out) and the distant lender didn%26#039;t perform as needed. After several telephone calls, we were told we would just have to delay closing for several days until they got it handled. Meanwhile, I had one couple sitting outside with a moving van of possessions and nowhere to go.|||The company with whom you are working is a loan broker. They will look for the best terms and then, once you are signed up, will sell your loan. This is a common practice and not detrimental to you in any way. Both banks and other lenders do act as brokers.

The pre-approval is a handy tool to use when looking for a home, but it is not a guarantee from the company, nor is it a lock-in. If rates increase, so can the loan terms change.

How can I find out if Loan Agent screwed up?

Friend of mine just tried to purchase a home. Credit is ok, but stable income is an issue. However, the real estate company (which acts as lending broker and realtor) have given him positive assurances for several weeks. It%26#039;s been nearly a month and he keeps being told all is fine. He was told three weeks ago to give notice at his apartment as of the 1st. Twice last week he was told he%26#039;d get the final dox and keys in the coming days. Today, (31st) he was told the bank rejected the loan because of the shaky income. Seems to me this means either the broker sat on the paperwork for a couple weeks before submitting it, or the bank rejected it a couple weeks back and the lender%26#039;s been looking for alternatives. Long story short, tomorrow%26#039;s the 1st and he and his roommate have to be out of the apartment...they can%26#039;t extend it. Broker says he%26#039;s looking for other lenders (at a now higher rate). Is it likely the bank took a month to decide income was an issue?

How can I find out if Loan Agent screwed up?small business loans

Your friend needs an attorney. And a call to both the state banking regulator and real estate licensing board would be in order as well. Your friend was complicit in the mortgage fraud by allowing the deposit to his account but coming clean quickly may help to minimize his legal exposure. (Personally I%26#039;d empty the account as well, but that%26#039;s just me.)

How can I find out if Loan Agent screwed up? loan

Yes, I think the real estate broker screwed up.

It sounds to me like your friend did not qualify for the loan to begin with, but the real estate company and the loan officer tried to slip it by the lender and the lender caught what they were doing and denied the loan. The fact that they deposited money in your friends account makes that particularly clear.

It is not legal for the real estate broker or loan officer to deposit money in your friends account to make it look like your friend had the money in the account if that is part of the requirement to qualify for the loan.

My recommendation is that your friend insist that the real estate broker find your friend an equally desirable apartment at the same rent that he was paying or less, or the real estate broker should be prepared to have your friend come live at the real estate brokers house rent free until he finds him another house and a loan that he can qualify for.

The real estate broker who deposited the funds in your friend%26#039;s account also has the problem that those funds now belong to your friend. I recommend that your friend keep those funds as damages for what the real estate broker did to him. The real estate broker will be furious but he has put himself in a position that he cannot force your friend to give him the money back.

The real estate broker outsmarted himself.|||The loan company did not only screw up, but engaged in lender fraud. Any loan brokerage which deposits such finds in a client%26#039;s account to deceive the underwriter should be reported to the Attorney General of whatever state in which this occurred.

Mortgage Rates?

Who knows the link or what the current home loan rate is now for various banks to compare??? Looking to buy a home and want THE BEST rate possible with no money down on a 30 year fixed...Any suggestions???

Mortgage Rates?bank loan

go to they have awesome guides for first-time homebuyers and you can compare rates in your area there too

Mortgage Rates? loan

look to the big banks and credit unions, look online....I%26#039;ve heard of 4% for 5-year ARMs, but a 30-year fixed will be around 6.5%|||I just bought a house a few weeks ago. Small town Nebraska, local bank and my rate rate is 8.15% var for 5yrs, then it changes. The loan is for 20yrs total.|||Because interest rates vary from one lender to the next shopping for the best mortgage can save you a lot of money. Always get no-obligation quotes. Here is a list of UK banks.|||hello, here%26#039;s an easy

link with free info on mortgages: